Dhamma Sermon By Ven. Usgoda Dhammagaru
Ven. Usgoda Dammagaru has been a lifelong renowned Buddhist scholarly monk who has been visited Nevada Buddhist Temple numerous times conducting Dhamma sermons. He was an assistant Editor in Sinhala Encyclopedia and a former lecturer in Sariputta National College of Education in Nittabuwa. Ven. Dhammagaru has the ability to explain Dhamma starting from a beginner level to the advanced level so that many devotees can capture the concepts from the level of their understanding to dive deep in to the ocean of Dhamma to explore. Dhamma sermon will be Singala Sutta for the benefit of happy life will be the topic that you will be able to hear this Sunday.
So please join us September 8th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to generate wholesome deeds!

Dhamma For Kids
Teaching Dhamma for children is a fundamental need in this fast moving society today. It is vital not only to prepare a generation with good moral conduct, but also to sustain the rites and rituals among the lay devotees to sustain the Dhamma in this world. Dalali Lama once said, “If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” Most of the children are taught today mundanely to be successful put a lot of effort to achieve the dreams to find a good profession but less attention is given to be spiritually successful also. In order to provide spiritual success for children, participate temple programs are offered lay an important foundation to cultivate their mental culture communicating with the monks and learn Dhamma so that they can put in to practice.
We cordially invite all of the kids to participate this Dhamma Program For Children.

Meditation (Bhavana) For Beginners
The one who is following Buddhism, there are three aspects in Buddhism that leads to path of liberation or achieving Spiritual Enlightenment.
- Paryapti- Acquisition of theoretical knowledge of Buddhism by studying, reading and learning.
- Patipaththi- Put in to practice by cultivate good the moral conduct.
- Pathiveda – Gain experiential knowledge and to develop insight wisdom as a result of practice.
By attending the beginning Bhavana session, over the course of time, you will able to learn the following:
- What is Bhavana?
- What is one pointedness of the mind?
- What is tranquility Bhavana?
- What is insight Bhavana?
- What is Kasina Bhavana?
- What is the proper posture of sitting?
- What are Bhavana objects?
- How to deal with interrupting thoughts?
- How to deal with sleepiness during Bhavana?
- What are Four foundations of mindfulness?
- How to watch the mind and observe the true nature of the mind?
- How to cultivate loving kindness?
- How to cultivate wholesome while discarding unwholesome?
- What are the benefits of Bhavana such as handling mental and physical pain?