Bhante Yatinuwara Sankichcha Thero is from Great Lake Buddhist Vihara who was born in Kandy, Sri Lanka in 1976. Venerable Sankichcha received novice ordination at the age of 15 in 1991. Not long after his higher ordination, in 1996, he moved to Australia where he lived for four years. Ven. Sankichcha moved to Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara in December of 2001. He has conducted many Dhamma Sermons and Meditation Programs over 14 years in USA.
In the world of lament, to rejoice and in the world of burning with desire, delusion and anger to eventually eradicate unwholesome roots by guiding lay devotees following the Buddha’s path of purification; We cordially invite Ven. Sankichcha Thero to conduct a Bhavana and Dhamma sermon in the Poson day of June 16th at Nevada Buddhist Vihara. Your participation is invaluable and appreciated.