Dhamma Sermon By Ven. Usgoda Dhammagaru
Ven. Usgoda Dammagaru has been a lifelong renowned Buddhist scholarly monk who has been visited Nevada Buddhist Temple numerous times conducting Dhamma sermons. He was an assistant Editor in Sinhala Encyclopedia and a former lecturer in Sariputta National College of Education in Nittabuwa. Ven. Dhammagaru has the ability to explain Dhamma starting from a beginner level to the advanced level so that many devotees can capture the concepts from the level of their understanding to dive deep in to the ocean of Dhamma to explore. Dhamma sermon will be Singala Sutta for the benefit of happy life will be the topic that you will be able to hear this Sunday.
So please join us September 8th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to generate wholesome deeds!