Renaissance of a Temple

Nevada Buddhist Vihara

Enhancement of an existing civility; bringing a close rapport between families and individuals; maintaining respect for each other, especially for the elders; leaning to listen to erudite counseling; fruitful discourse between the clergy and lay devotees; understanding the precepts of the Buddhist philosophy in a simple manner to transform them to enrich both spiritual and material lives.

And, these are the supreme qualities the Nevada Buddhist Temple disseminated since its founding in 1998.

Buddhism is not emerge on bricks and mortars that are used to bring the physical appearance, but on the hearts of those who frequent the institution. It is through that devotion, affinity, civility and constant discourse with the prelates and with the devotees that the atmosphere of  equanimity and compassion  emerge. Temple Image 1

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With this emergence of universal kindness and serenity, the dedication on the part of the laymen take a significant turn toward the enrichment of the facilities of a Buddhist Temple.

In recent months, the dedicated devotees made this physical enrichment of the Nevada Buddhist Temple a reality because of the inner enrichment they developed since the founding of the temple.

We now present you how that inner enrichment transformed into a physical enrichment to make the temple more closer to ones sole and heart.

The renaissance of the physical appearance of the Nevada Buddhist Temple was possible because of the maintenance and enhancement of the spiritual renaissance of the devotees.

The Shrine Room was extended to accommodate more devotees with added features such as an improved audio-visual technical system.

The air-conditioning system was vastly improved. Temple Image 2

The pipe borne water system was greatly improved.

Within the Shrine Room area, a conducive atmosphere was built to enhance the spiritual aspect of the devotees.

Rest Rooms were modified.

These photographs will tell the whole story of the devotion of those who frequent the Nevada Buddhist Vihara.

We have not stopped at that:

Plans are underway to commence the construction of a three-room annex attached to the main temple to extend the facility to guest monks travelling from other states.

The outer appearance of the Temple will be greatly improved  as an added attraction. Once all these are completed the Nevada Buddhist Temple will undoubtedly stand-out as a prominent Buddhist place of worship in the Western part of the United States.

Those who are in the State of Nevada and in other states are greatly encouraged to participate in this project by monetarily helping the Temple.

We need to state that Nevada Buddhist Temple is being patronized by a large number of non Buddhist who participate in discourses that bring understanding not only of the Buddhist Philosophy but also about the interaction between all religions.

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For monetary assistance, this web site carries the address of the Nevada Buddhist Temple elsewhere.


As we have mentioned in the lead story, we present here the Temple Extension Project- commenced September 2014 – to enhance living facilities for the Buddhist prelates who visit from other states.

PHONE:  702.457.7938