
Nevada Buddhist Temple is non-profit organization that benefits not only the Buddhist community in Las Vegas but also the visitors who seek to learn about the Buddhism. Nevada Buddhist Temple is one of the main religious precinct in the Las Vegas pure teaching of the Buddha. We welcome all those who are of different religious denominations, and we believe that you could be exposed to Buddhism while maintaining your religious faith. Those who belong to other religious denominations will get the opportunity to compare and contrast different religious faiths while become knowledgeable about Buddhism.

To obtain such knowledge and tranquility Nevada Buddhist Temple can be considered the most appropriate venue. Nevada Buddhist Temple was established in the year of 1998. Since the inception, the Temple became a guiding light to all Sri Lankans and other well wishers due to the untiring dedication of its Chief Incumbent Venerable Alawala Subhuthi ably assisted by Ven. Dunukeulle Dhammaratana. In the present, the Chief Incumbent of Nevada Buddhist Temple, Venerable Walpola Anuruddha ably assisted by the Chief incumbent of Venerable Wathogala Saranasiri, Riverside California are maintaining the Nevada Buddhist Temple activities with dedication along with junior resident monks.

All these years of the operation of the Nevada Buddhist Temple, the epicenter of Vegas-domiciled Sri Lankans fraternity, it monthly holds and sponsors religious ceremonies, Dhamma discussions, religious rites and other events that attract even Nevadans of other denominations. This temple brings and opportunity for all of you to train and practice compassion, sympathetic joy, loving kindness and equanimity also generate wholesome thoughts by practicing generosity fulfilling the needs of monks and temple maintenance to the level of your capacity. In this fast moving society, religious institution such as Nevada Buddhist Temple is vital to momentarily pause your day to day activities and visit the temple. By communicating with monks will help you to acquire Dhamma knowledge and train to be mindful about your thoughts and to cultivate wholesome and to discard unwholesome thoughts. We are in the temple dedicated our lives just to assist lay devotees like you to uplift your spiritual well being while travel in the path to liberate permanently from mental and physical suffering realize the supreme bliss of Nibbana.

To enter a serene atmosphere with immense tranquility, peace and exposure to rich cultural practices, Nevada Buddhist Temple can be considered an ideal center for both Buddhist and non-Buddhist. The exposure to an erudite impression gives anyone who enters the Temple awareness of cultural richness in the Asian region especially Sri Lankan. Exchange of ideas and opinion help any visitor to gain additional knowledge of cultures that are alien to many. The interaction at the Nevada Buddhist Temple, we assure you, will mould one’s life.

“When you are generous you receive more, when you receive more, you know that all are impermanent, when you know all are impermanent, you reduce your attachment to materiality, when you reduce attachment to such formations, you cease the next existence realizing the ultimate supreme bliss of happiness, Nibbana.”